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Payment methods

We accept cards:

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • American Express,
  • Maestro
  • JCB cards.

You can also choose to pay with PayPal.

Payment security

Pay With Credit/Debit Card

The choices for credit cards that are offered are shown above. The most popular credit cards on our website are issued by the credit card companies mentioned above. If your credit card provider is not listed, don’t worry—we still urge you to buy the item.

Please be aware that when you make a payment, Thestron does not record your credit/debit card number or other personal information. Please contact your card-issuing bank with any inquiries regarding your transactions on our site.

Pay With Paypal

You will be led to the PayPal payment page after placing a purchase through PayPal, where you may confirm your payment by entering in with your PayPal username and password.

Without a PayPal account, you can still complete your purchase. Please select the “Pay with Debit/Credit Card” button to do this. You will then be taken to a secure website where you can input your credit card information or securely complete your PayPal payment.